Official Website of - JAMMU & KASHMIR POLICE
Wed Mar 26 2025

Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy

Information & Contact Details Of Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy

Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy

The Academy is located 3 Kms south of Udhampur Town near village Badali. Udhampur and is 65 Kms from Jammu on Jammu-Srinagar National Highway.

Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy at Udhampur was established as Police Training College in the year 1981 and upgraded to the level of Academy in April 1998. The Academy runs induction courses for DySsP, Prosecuting Officers and Sub Inspectors, besides promotion courses of SgCts, Head Constables and ASIs. The Academy also runs 31 specialized courses for various ranks.

The Academy complex is spread over an area of 1825 Kanals of land. There is roofed accommodation for 800 trainees and 200 staff members. The Accommodation includes a hostel for GOs. About 2000 police personnel of different ranks are trained in the institution annually. Forensic Science Laboratory, Riding School, Semi Automatic firing range, Fire Arms Training simulator, Computer Lab and Dog training School are located in the campus.


  • To transform police force into an organization in service of the community.
  • To develop professionalism and excellence on scientific lines.
  • To prepare trainees to squarely meet the challenges of militancy and severe Law & Order problems.
  • To nourish human values, right attitude and humane behaviour.
  • To develop the overall personality of a trainee making him physically agile and mentally alert.
  • To inculcate a spirit of nation and community before self especially disadvantaged sections of society.
  • To train in proactive policing with more emphasis on prevention than detection.
  • To ingrain that integrity is fundamental to their functioning.
  • To formulate a strategic vision, and to impart them necessary skills to meet future challenges.
  • To strive for quality, standardization and constant improvement in techniques and skills of policing.
  • Strive to inculcate democratic temper, respect for human rights, courage and professional skills to uphold rule of law.

The contact details of Sher-I-Kashmir Police Academy, Udhampur are:

Contact Details

Name Designation Address Telephone Numbers
Shri Garib Dass, IPS, Director SKPAUSKPA Udhampur01992-270200
Sh. Rajesh Bali-JKPSDD OutdoorSKPA Udhampur01992-270200 ,9419449550
Sh. Ramnish Gupta-JKPSDD ADMSKPA Udhampur01992-270200, 9469523888
Sh. Rajinder Gupta-JKPSDD Indoor/TrainingsSKPA Udhampur01992-270200, 9419180831