Official Website of - JAMMU & KASHMIR POLICE

Police Wives Welfare Association

J&K Police Wives Welfare Association (PWWA)

J&K Police Wives Welfare Association (PWWA)

The Association has been established against the following aims and objects:

  • (a) To generate a sense of the accomplishment in the minds of Police Personnel's ladies and develop managerial skill in them.
  • (b) To promote programme for rehabilitation of widows, handicapped and mentally retarded children and handicapped Police personnel.
  • (c) To pursue programmes to facilitate development of academic/vocational skills, training for the serving and retired Police personnel and their families.
  • (d) To work in co-operation with other organizations and departments having similar objectives (being at all times financially independent of such organizations) and to obtain financial assistance through such Associations.
  • (e) To organize cultural and sports activities Like Police Mela.
  • (f) To invest and deal with the funds of the Association as deemed fit to meet the over all aims and objects of the Association.

For more information visit J&K Police Wives Welfare Association Website

Contact Details

Name Designation Address Telephone Numbers
-Chairperson PAWWAPWWA Office Gulshan Ground Jammu, Police Colony Srinagar0191-2457101(Jammu), 0194-2494031(Sgr)