| Tender Notice | 15-02-2025 | 22-02-2025 | --- |
| EOI from Charted Accountants for Audit of different accounts of Police Welfare | 19-06-2021 | 14-07-2021 | Attachment  |
| Supply of various equipment for Mobile Command Centre to be mounted (Integrated) on BP Banker (Vehicle) | 23-09-2020 | 23-10-2020 | Attachment  |
| Hiring of Hotels/Guest Houses for the Move Period November-2020 to April 2021 at Jammu. | 18-09-2020 | 30-09-2020 | Attachment  |
| Hiring of Registered Charted Accountants for Auditing J&k Police Welfare Fund's Accounts /Police Public Schools/J&K Police Petrol Pumps & Family Welfare Centers for the Financial Year 2019-20 | 16-09-2020 | 30-09-2020 | Attachment |
| Supply of Stationary Items | 10-07-2020 | 11-07-2020 | Attachment  |
| Supply of Stationary Items(Others) | 10-07-2020 | 11-07-2020 | Attachment  |
| Supply of Stationary Items (Papers) | 10-07-2020 | 25-07-2020 | Attachment  |
| Hiring of Registered Charted Accountants for Auditing Police Welfare Accounts for Financial Year 2019-20 | 19-03-2020 | 11-04-2020 | Attachment  |
| Hiring of Hotels/Guests Houses for Annual Darbar Move/Non-Move 2020-21 at Srinagar. | 12-02-2020 | 20-02-2020 | Attachment  |
| Supply of material and repair/renovation of badminton Court at DPL Jammu | 15-01-2020 | 23-01-2020 | Attachment  |
| Extension Notice Hotel | 19-09-2019 | 30-09-2019 | Attachment  |
| Expression of Intrest for digital Software for Police Welfare Accounts | 19-07-2019 | 05-08-2019 | Attachment  |
| Quotations for registered Chartered Accountants | 12-04-2019 | 09-05-2019 | Attachment  |
| Amendment Notice NIT_01 | 13-03-2019 | | Attachment  |
| Supply of Uniform Items | 08-03-2019 | 08-04-2019 | Attachment  |
| Extension Notice ( TEST) | 08-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | Attachment  |
| Amendment Notice | 08-03-2019 | - | Attachment  |
| Extension Notice | | | Attachment  |
| Ammendment Notice | | | Attachment  |
| Supply of Defence material | 07-03-2019 | 15-03-2019 | Attachment  |
| Ammendment Notice NIT_19 | | | Attachment  |
| Extension Notice NIT_19 | | | Attachment  |
| Extension Notice | | | Attachment  |
| eNIT_18_2019(PHQ) Supply of Communication equipment & allied accessories | 06-03-2019 | 18-03-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_17_2019(PHQ) For Implementation of Transparent Recruitment Process for Constables in J&K Police for raising two border Battalions. | 02-03-2019 | 16-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice eNIT_01_2019 | 02-03-2019 | 09-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Cancellation Notice eNIT_52_2019 | 01-03-2019 | * | Attachment |
| e_NIT_15_2019(PHQ) Purchase of 05 Nos. Bullet Resistant Ambulances on 4*4 base vehicles | 02-03-2019 | 27-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_06_2019 | 27-02-2019 | 07-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_08_2019 | 27-02-2019 | 07-03-2019 | Attachment |
| eNIT_03_2019(APHQ) Supply of J&K Police News Letter during 2019-20 | 27-02-2019 | 19-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_09_2019 | 25-02-2019 | 06-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 01 of 2019 | 22-02-2019 | 02-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/90/2018-19 | 21-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/91/2018-19 | 21-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e-NIT_89_2019(PCD) | 20-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| eNIT_02_2019 (APHQ) Supply , Installation, testing and Commissioning of (1+30) Public Adress Conferencing System at Armed Police Headquarter J&k Srinagar. | 16-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_08_2019(PHQ) | 20-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Ammendment/Extension Notice NIT_06_2019 | 18-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice for Hiring of Hotels/Guest Houses for Annual darbar 2019-20 | 18-02-2019 | 25-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 07 of 2019 | 16-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_14_2019(PHQ) Supply of Riot Control Equipments | 14-02-2019 | 09-03-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_01_2019(PHQ) | 15-02-2019 | 23-02-2019 | Attachment |
| NIT_01_2019(PTS Manigam) Supply of equipments for installation of CCTV | 04-02-2019 | 18-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Corrigendum NIT_01_2019(PTS Manigam) | 04-02-2019 | | Attachment |
| Cancellation Notice NIT_01-2019 ( APHQ) | 12-02-2019 | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e_NIT_65_2018 | 12-02-2019 | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_07-2019 | 12-02-2019 | 16-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_12_2019(PHQ) Sipply of " Hospital Equipments" | 11-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_13_2019(PHQ) Supply of "CCrtitical care Ambulance" and " Mortuary Van" | 11-02-2019 | 26-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_11_2019(PHQ) Implementation of Transparent Recruitment Process for Constables in J&K Police | 09-02-2019 | 23-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_85 (PCD) | 08-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_86 (PCD) | 08-02-2019 | 15-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT 10 of 2019 dated 07-02-2019 | 07-02-2019 | 27-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Tender Cancellation Notive NIT_60_2019 | 08/02/2019 | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_01_2019 | 08/02/2019 | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice e-NIT 09 of 2019 for supply of Traffic Florescent Jackets | 05-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 05 of 2019 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/80/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/81/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/82/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/83/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/84/2018-19 | 06-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| inviting e-Tender Notice EE/PCD/PHQ/78/2018-19 | 04-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| nviting e-Tender Notice EE/PCD/PHQ/79/2018-19 | 04-02-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_09 (Supply of Traffic floresent Jackets) | 05-02-2019 | 20-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-Tender 47 of 2018 | 04-02-2019 | | Attachment |
| e_NIT_07_2019( Crime Hqrs J&K) Supply of Photography Items | 30-01-2019 | 24-02-2019 | Attachment |
| E-Tender Notice e-NIT No. 08 of 2019 for supply of All Weather Jackets | 31-01-2019 | 20-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender e-NIT 17 of 2018 dated 17-05-2018 | 31-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| e-NIT 06 of 2019 dated 30-01-2019 floated for supply of Sleeping Bag | 30-01-2019 | 20-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Amendment notice of e-NIT 04 of 2019 dated 19-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Gist of Short e-NIT 07 of 2019 dated 31-01-2019 for setting up Cyber Forensic Lab cum Training Centre | 31-01-2019 | 12-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 01 of 2019 dated 08-01-2019 floated for Hiring of Helicopter Services | 28-01-2019 | 09-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_NIT_05_2018 ( Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Intra/inter District Network Project. | 25-01-2019 | 06-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Ammendment Notice NIT 01 of 2019 ( ZPHQ Jammu) | 22-01-2019 | - | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice EE/PCD/PHQ/73/2018-19 | 24-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice EE/PCD/PHQ/74/2018-19 | 24-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice EE/PCD/PHQ/75/2018-19 | 24-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 64 of 2018 dated 14-12-2018 | 23-01-2019 | 02-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Notice Inviting Offers for hiring Hotels / Guest Houses for Annual Darbar Move / Non-Move 2019-20 | 23-01-2019 | 15-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e_Tender Notice No. EE-PCD/PHQ/72/2018-19 | 22-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/69/2018-19 | 21-01-2019 | 01-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Amendment to e-NIT 42 of 2018 dated 19-09-2018 | 22-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/70/2018-19 | 21-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting E-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/71/2018-19 | 21-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| (e_NIT_04 of 2019) Supply of Communication Items for Expansion of APCO-25 Phase-II & augumentation of Communcation sytem of J7k Police. | 19-01-2019 | 02-02-2019 | Attachment |
| e_Tender Notice No. EE/PCD/PHQ/66/2018-19 PCD PHQ | 17-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Tender NIT_03 of 2019 ( supply, Installation and Commissioning of Cold Storgae in FSL J&K) | 17-01-2019 | 04-02-2019 | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender NIT_43 of 2018 | 16-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT64 of 2018 | 16-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Tender for supply of Plastic Chairs District Police Kishtwar | 14-01-2019 | 21-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Supply of "Traffic Bull Nose" NIT_02 of 2018 | 12-01-2019 | 31-01-2019 | Attachment |
| E_NIT/EE-PCD/PHQ/64/2018-19 ( PCD) | 12-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | Attachment |
| E-NIT?EE-PCD/PHQ/65/2018-19 (PCD) | 12-01-2019 | 24-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice e_NIT42 of 2018 | 14-01-2019 | 22-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Supply of Archery Equipments | 08-01-2019 | 28-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Change in Specification of Extendable Tents/Extension in Date | 08.01.2018 | 15.01.2018 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT-65 of 2018 | 09.01.2018 | 19.01.2018 | Attachment |
| Tender Notice NIT.EE-PCD/PHQ/63/2018-19 ( PCD) PHQ | 09.01.2018 | 18.01.2018 | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 52 of 2018 dated 24-10-2018 | 08-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT 01 of 2019 | 08-01-2019 | 29-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension of critical dates of e-NIT 42 of 2018 dated 19-09-2018 | 07-01-2018 | 14-01-2018 | Attachment |
| e-NIT 01 of 2019 | 02-01-2018 | 29-01-2018 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 64 of 2018 | 07-01-2018 | 16-01-2018 | Attachment |
| Amendment to e-Tender No. 42 of 2018 dated 19-09-2018 floated for Selection of Service Provider for provision of lease line connectivity for CCTNS project etc. | 01-01-2019 | | Attachment |
| Extension of e-NIT 64 of 2018 | 29-12-2018 | 08-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 65 of 2018 | 29-12-2018 | 10-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice vide No. EE-PCD/PHQ/61/2018-19 | 29-12-2018 | 09-01-2019 | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice Vide e-NIT No. 68 of 2018 | 26-12-2018 | 10-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension note of e-NIT No. 42 of 2018 | 27-12-2018 | 07-01-2018 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice vide e-NIT No. 63 of 2018 | 27-01-2018 | 15-01-2018 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice vide e-NIT No. 52 of 2018 | 27-12-2018 | 15-01-2018 | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice vide e-NIT No. 67 of 2018 | 22-12-2018 | 06-01-2019 | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT No. 42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice vide No. EE-PCD/PHQ/60/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of NIT No. 59 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Addendum of e-NIT No. 60 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 52 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice vide e-NIT No. 66 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice e-NIT No. EE-PCD/PHQ/58/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting E-Tender Notice e-NIT No. EE-PCD/PHQ/59/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice of NIT No. 64 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice of e-NIT No. 65 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Further Amendment in e-NIT No. 53 & 55 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 07 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 04 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 06 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting e-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/55/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting e-Tender Notice EE-PCD/PHQ/56/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| e-NIT No. 63 of 2018 dated 10-12-2018, floated for purchase of BR Wind Screen Glasses for fitment into BP Vehicles of J&K Police. | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice to e-NIT 59 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 08 & 09 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 06 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice of e-NIT 42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 52 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension of critical dates of e-NIT 42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-NIT 57 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment to e-NIT 42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e Tender Notice of e-NIT 63 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice NIT_59 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice NIT_04 of 2018 ( APHQ) | | | Attachment |
| e-NIT No. 62 of 2018 Dated 08-12-2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension of Critical dates
42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Tender Extension Notice
53-55 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
03 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
08 & 09 (APHQ) | | | Attachment |
| Re-Upload of BoQ, e-NIT
55 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension of Critical dates
42 of 2018.ii | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
05 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Supply of Uniform Items for J&K Police Pipe Band Personnel
09-2018(APHQ) | | | Attachment |
| Supply of Uniform Items for J&K Police Bras Band Personnel
08-2018(APHQ) | | | Attachment |
| Supply of Archery Equipment
07_2018(APHQ) | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
49 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice
EE-PCD/PHQ/52/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| tender Notice
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
50 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
53,54,55 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
52 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
45 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
59 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Procurement of CCTV Cameras & surveillance System at Police Public school Miran sahib Jjammu | | | Attachment |
| Tender Notice
59 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of APHQ e-NIT No. 06 of 2018
APHQ 06 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of APHQ e-NIT No. 05 of 2018
APHQ 05 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Fresh Inviting e-Tender Notice
EE-PCD/PHQ/51/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| Extension of Critical dates-
42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
58 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
56 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
31 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
57 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Supply of Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
54 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Supply of B.R Vests
53 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Supply of B.R Jackets
55 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice-
50 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Inviting e-Tender Notice..\nits\E-NIT_Notice.pdf e-NIT EE-PCD/PHQ/50/2018-19 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT No. 52 of 2018
52 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
04 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT No. 04 of 2018
04 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment/Extension Notice
43 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice-
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice of SKPAU
02 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
49 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
41 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Rate contract for refilling of different types Fire Extinguishers 45 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Hiring of vehicles for conduct of Election - 2018 in District Kishtawar | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice
38 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension of Notice Inviting Offers
BD/Hotel/10/3519-20 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice--
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
51 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT No. 03 of 2018
03 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender item( Sleeping Bag) 44 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment Notice-
38 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of Tender
02 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
50 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
31 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Amendment / Clarification Notice
43 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice-
42 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice---
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
43 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-Tender No. 28 of 2018
28 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Supply of communication items
49 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice----
23 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice--
31 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
48 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
46 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-Tender No. 30 of 2018
30 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice
38 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT No. 47 of 2018
47 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice
45 of 2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice E_NIT42_2018 | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of E_NIT 23 of 2018. | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 23 of 2018 dated 23-06-2018 for Purchase of 50 Nos. Bullet Resistant Bunkers on 4X4 Chassis. | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-Tender No. 14 of 2018 dated 18-04-2018 floated for procurement of Intra / Inter Districts Communication System. | | | --- |
| Amendment Notice of e-Tender No. 40 of 2018 dated 31-08-2018 floated for Supply & Installation of Cold Storage plants in FSL. | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT No. 23 of 2018 dated 23-06-2018 for purchase of 50 No's. Bullet Resistant Bunkers on 4X4 Chassis. | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice No. 45 of 2018 dated 25-09-2018 for supply of Traffic Equipments. | | | Attachment |
| Gist of e-NIT No. 47 of 2018 dated 26-09-2018 for supply of Crime Scene Kits for Mobile Forensic Vans / District Units of FSL J&K. | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT 38 of 2018 dated 31-08-2018 floated for supply of Forensic Vehicles for FSL J&K. | | | Attachment |
| Cancellation of e-NIT 30 of 2018 dated 23-06-2018 floated for purchase of Blankets Superior Dyed Navy Blue. | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice of e-NIT 46 of 2018 dated 26-09-2018 floated for supply of Blankets. | | | Attachment |
| e-Tender Notice of e-NIT 48 of 2018 dated 26-09-2018 floated for supply of Uniform items. | | | Attachment |
| Extension Notice of e-NIT No. 31 of 2018 dated 25-06-2018 floating for purchase of Critical Care Ambulance & Hearse Van. | | | Attachment |