Official Website of - JAMMU & KASHMIR POLICE

J&K Armed Police

Information & Contact Details Of J&K Armed Police

J&K Armed Police

The Armed Police is headed by an officer of the rank of Additional Director General of Police. For effective supervision, the ADGP Armed is assisted by 03 IsGP, 04 DIsGP. The two IsGP exercise superintendence over Armed/IRP Battalions in their respecive Provinces (Jammu/Kashmir). Each Armed/IRP Battalion is headed by a Commandant of the rank of SSsP/SsP and deployed in every nook and corner of UT of J&K. There are at present 11 Armed and 24 IRP Battalions in the UT of J&K.

For internal security of the State, a special force called the "Jammu and Kashmir Armed Police" is maintained at Srinagar and Jammu. It is ordinarily used to meet any emergency in the law and order situation throughout the State. Being essentially a task Force normally it is not to be employed on duties of a routine nature, which are performed, by the Civil and District Armed Reserve.

The force is specially "Trained" like an infantry Battalion. It shall be maintained and equipped in such strength and formations as Inspector-General of Police may, from time to time, direct.

The Battalion of this force will be patterned and provisioned on the recommendations of the "All India Police Committee" subject to such alterations as the local conditions demand, with the Government sanction.

The information of the officers of Jammu & Kashmir Armed Police alongwith their Headquarters location and contact numbers is as under

Contact Details

Name Designation Address Telephone Numbers
Sh. Anand Jain- IPS ADGP Armed Police Jammu & KashmirGulshan Ground, Jammu Jammu & Kashmir India Batamaloo, Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir India - 190001 0191 - 2450001 (O) 0191 - 2457773 (F) 0191- 454957 0194 - 2455133 (O) 0194 - 2479875 (F) 0194-2489006(R)
Dr. Vinod Kumar-IPS ( Additional Charge)IGP AP/IRP JammuGulshan Ground Jammu (J&K)0191-2458329(O)
Sh.Vidhi Kumar Birdi-IPS ( Additional Charge)IGP AP/IR KashmirKashmir0194-2458735, 2456549
Sh. Tahir Sajad Bhat -JKPSCommandant JKAP 6th BnMehander Poonch01965-226110(O) 01962-263216/264416
Shri Khalil Ahmad Paswal-JKPSCommandant JKAP 9th BnZewan Kashmir01933-222113
Sh. Mohd Arshad -JKPSCommandant IR 13th BnAPC Humhama01951-256321
Shri Sanjay Kumar Bhagat, SSPCommandant JKAP 14th BnManasbal Kashmir0194-2146096
Sh. Aejaz Ahmad Malik-JKPS (Additional Charge)Commandant IRP 2nd BnRajouri01962-264416, 9419156041
Sh. Ajaz Ahmad Bhat-IPSCommandant IRP 3rd BnPariashpora9906665903, 9419017123
Sh. Showket Ahamad Dar-IPSCommandant IRP 4th BnKupwara01955-253517(O)
Sh. Abdul Hakim Munshi-JKPSCommandant IRP 6th BnPCR Srinagar0194-2452454, 9419132218
Sh. Sh. Mohd Yousuf-JKPS (Additional ChargeCommandant IRP 10th BnKehribal Mattan9419046660
Sh. Anuj Kumar-IPSCommandant IRP 11th BnKhanabal Anantnag01932-222298
Sh. Mumtaz Ahmad -IPSCommandant IRP 12th Bn Samba9419174671
Sh.Naresh Singh Jamwal-JKPSCommandant IRP 13thBaramulla01952-234313(O)
Sh. Raj Sing Gouria-JKPSCommandant IRP 18 th BnDPL Jammu0191-2432333
Dr. Ramesh Kumar AngralJKPSCommandant IRP 19th BnKathua01922-261068
Sh. Bashir Ahmad -JKPS ( Additional Charge)Commandant IR 21st BnBandipora9419045444
Sh. Rajinder Singh-JKPSSP APCR JammuPCR Complex Jammu0191-2573690
Sh. Ramesh Chander Kotwal -JKPSCommandant IRP-Ist Women Battalion JammuJammu9419197911
Sh. Mohd Rafi Giri-JKPS ( Additional Charge)Commandant 2nd Border BnSrinagar9469000954
Mst. Sarah Rizvi-IPSDIG IR JammuGulshan Ground Jammu0191-2430147 (O), 9586003933
Sh. Dalip Kumar -SSPSo to ADGP Armed J&KGulshan Ground Jammu0191-2439335 (JMU), 0194-2471468 (Sgr)
Sh. Shabir Nawab-JKPS Commandant JKAP 5th BnPCR Srinagar9419045444
Shri Suram Singh-JKPSCommandant JKAP 8th BnMiran Sahib Jammu01923-265420, 9419172566
Sh. Azhar Bashir Baba-JKPSSP APCR Kashmir Srinagar Kashmir9419086879
Ms. Anita Sharma-IPSCommandant IRP 1st BnReasi Jammu01991-244251,245549(O)
Sh. Rajinder Singh -JKPSSP APCR JammuJammu 9419138751
Sh. Ifroz Ahmad-JKPSCommandant IRP 5th BnBeoli Doda01996-233186
Sh. Pawan Kumar Parihar -JKPSCommandant IRP 7th BnAmbgharota Jammu0191-2624925(O)
Shri Mohd Arif Rishu-JKPSCommandant IRP 8th BnManasbal 9469937288
Sh. Mubasher Hussain-JKPSCommandant IRP 9th BnParihaspora-
Sh. Abrar Ahmad Choudhary JKPS Commandant IRP 14th BnAPC Channi Himman Jammu0191-2467901(O)
Ms. Sargun Shukla-IPSCommandant IRP 15th BnGulshan Ground Jammu0191-2433936
Sh.Shamsher Hussain JKPS Commandant IR 20th BnParihasporaCell No- 9419080090
Sh. Mushim Ahmad JKPSCommandant IRP 22nd BnKishtwar01996-233186
Sh. Sukhdev Raj- JKPSCommandant IRP 16th BnRamban01998-266323
Sh. Mohd Yousuf-JKPSCommandant IRP 17 Bn Kehribal Mattan01932-237962,237964 (O)
Sh. Ashok Kumar-JKPSCommandant Ist Border Bn JammuJammu9419250224
Sh. Azhar Bashir Baba -JKPSSP, APCR SrinagarPCR Srinagar0194-2455942, 9419033207
Sh. Mohd Zaid-JKPSCommandant JKAP 13th BnHumhama Budgam9906691999
Sh. Bakir Samoon-IPS (Addl. Charge)Commandant 2nd Women Battalion KashmirSrinagar9419187286
Sh. Mohd Aslam -IPSCommandant IR 24th BnUdhampur9419056020
-DIG IR KashmirZewan Kashmir01933-224424,224413(O)
Sh. Shahid Mehraj Rather-IPSDIG AP Kashmir (AROK)PCR Srinagar0194-2483891
Dr. Vinod Kumar-IPSIncharge DIG AP Jammu (AROK)Gulshan Ground Jammu01912439711
Sh. Bakir Samoon-IPSCommandant IR 23rd BnLethpora PulwamaCell No- 9419187286