Official Website of - JAMMU & KASHMIR POLICE

J&K Police Telecom

Info & Contact Details Of J&K Police Telecom

J&KPolice Telecom

Telecom wing is headed by the IGP assisted by an officer who is of the rank of DIG and is designated as Director Police Telecom. the Telecom wing is further divided in four Zones i.e, Jammu Zone, Kashmir Zone, ACS Kashmir Zone and ACS Jammu Zone which are supervised by the officer of the rank of SSP.

Contact Details

Name Designation Address Telephone Numbers
Sh. Sandeep Gupta-IPS Incharge Director Police, Telecommunication Jammu & Kashmir ( Additional Charge)PHQ Complex, Gulshan Ground, Jammu Jammu & Kashmir India 0191-2451884 (O)PHQ Complex, Peer Bagh Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir, India 0194-2430713
Mst. Shaheen Wahid-JKPSSSP Telecom Jammu.PCR Complex, Parade Ground, Jammu.0191-2565515(O)
Sh. Akhter Hussain BushIncharge SP ACS KashmirSrinagar0194-2472439
Sh. Fayaz Yaseen SP Telecom Kashmir (InCharge)Batamaloo, Srinagar 0194-2452698 (O),0194-2475741 (Fax)
Sh. Madan MohanIncharge SP ACS Jammu Jammu0191-2460083